
The Lair is intended for the educational support of the university mission.  The facility is open to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of the University.  The Campus Activities Office reserves the right to establish policies for the use of The Lair by various types of groups, and/or individuals.  Leadership, personal and professional development, citizenship, and social responsibility of the campus community all play a vital role in the development of a successful Student Union.  Failure to comply with any policies or guidelines outlined within this document and/or any requests by Campus Activities Office staff may result in action by the staff to limit or dent privileges, refer to proper authorities, and/or assess appropriate charges.


Policy Exceptions

Requests for exceptions to any of The Lair’s policies should be referred to the Director of Campus Activities or the Director’s designee.


  • Smoking and Chewing Tobacco: Smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings. Chewing tobacco is expressly prohibited in The Lair.
  • Attire: For health and safety reasons, all persons entering The Lair must wear proper attire, which includes shirts and shoes.  Persons not wearing proper attire will be asked to leave the premises.
  • Equipment can be checked out at the information desk ONLY with a valid McKendree University student ID or driver’s license.
  • All tables and equipment must be used in an appropriate manner (ie: No sitting, leaning, or standing on tables, no horse playing with the pool cues (trick shots) or any other game equipment).
  • The person who checks out the game equipment is responsible for its care and must remain in the game room while the equipment is in use. Game equipment must be returned in the same condition upon checkout or a damage fee may be assessed. Patrons may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined by the Campus Regulations and Judicial Procedures Document found in the Student Handbook.
  • Personal items, food, and drinks should not be placed on game room tables.
  • Vulgar language and profanity is prohibited.
  • Gambling is prohibited in the Lair. Violators of this rule will be asked to leave the premises and disciplinary action as outlined by the Campus Regulations and Judicial Procedures Document found in the Student Handbook may be assessed.
  • Game table usage time is limited to ½ hour if others are waiting to play. Desk attendant may at his/her discretion limit play if beyond ½ hour.
  • Video Game usage time is limited to 1 hour if others are waiting to play.
  • The phone is for employee use only.
  • All non-McKendree University members (guests) must be accompanied by a currently enrolled McKendree University student to enter.  Guests may also be accompanied by McKendree University faculty or staff members.  Children under 12 that are not part of a McKendree University program must be supervised at all times.  All guests are required to leave The Lair when their McKendree University host leaves.
  • The use of personal stereo equipment broadcast to the public (iPod with speakers, cell phone audio, or other amplification device) is prohibited unless approved by the Director of Campus Activities. The Lair maintains a satellite service with music channels and it is strongly encouraged that the service is used.  Specific channels with the use of profane lyrics shall not be used.